How to Write an Amazing CV with No Experience?

How can students make their resumes attract employers’ attention? If you want to learn how to make a strong resume for students with no experience, then keep reading!

Hey everyone! I’m Deepak and I’m glad to have you back on my blog. In this post, I will show you how to create an awesome CV, even if you don’t have any experience. At the end of the blog, you can get a free CV Template that you can download without any cost.

Make sure you read till the end so you can find out how you can do it.

If you just finished school, college, or university you might be wondering, how can you impress employers even though you don’t have any work experience.

Well luckily for you, I have helped numerous students create very strong attractive CVs and I will teach you today as well.

There are many ways to show employers that you are a suitable candidate even though you don’t have any work experience. 

For example, you can show that you have transferable skills, amazing personal qualities, strong education, and also personal achievements. So let me show you how to do it in the next steps. 

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Step 1: Clear Structure and Format

Writing a great CV with no experience is having a very clear structure and format. 

You should use the same font throughout the whole document, the size of the text should be 10.5 – 11.5, and you should use the same style and structure.

Your CV if you don’t have any work experience should not exceed 1 page. Having a very clear structure, enough divisions, and spaces between sections are super important.

I don’t recommend using any tables or pictures or graphs and do save your document in MS Word format. Same as the ‘Name Surname Job Title – CV’ format. 

Again I want to highlight how it is important to have your documents structured professionally and have a very consistent style.

Make sure all your dates and places are in the same format and you use bold text when needed.

Basically, anyone who looks at your CV without even reading the text should get the feeling that you are a great professional. 

You may also read: 10 Best Resume Fonts For Resume Writing: Standard Size Font

Step 2: Add Personal Details

Creating a strong CV without work experience is having a Personal Details Section. 

You could be a bit creative in how you create this section, as you can see in my fictional CV example I have created a blue line to highlight personal details, I have also used different icons for email, telephone number, and address.

Write an Amazing resume with no Experience

Obviously, everyone is going to include personal details, but you have to make sure that your email is professional. I recommend using the name.surname@gmail or @hotmail style.

You don’t have to put your full address in your CV, actually, it is your personal information you should be careful how you share it. You could just include the street name or just the city.

Step 3: Add LinkedIn Profile

Also do include your LinkedIn Profile link. I recommend customizing it to just your name so it looks very professional and neat in your CV.  The next step to creating an amazing CV with no experience is having a profile section. 

A profile section is 3-4 strong sentences that best describe you professionally. I recommend including what course you are studying and at which university and also highlighting your best qualities and skills.

For example, my fictional character here has highlighted that she has volunteering experience and also that she is a great communicator. 

You could also add your language skills, your programming skills, or any other technical knowledge you might have.

I always give advice that you should finish with your career goals. 

So finish your personal statement with a sentence about what kind of career you wish to pursue and what roles interest you.

Before we continue to the next steps, let me know whether you LIKE this blog so far and also let me know in the comments what you are going to put in your profile section.

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Step 4: Add Education Section

Creating a student CV with no experience should have a very strong Education Section. Basically, you have to sell your degree! In this section, do state clearly which qualification you are studying towards and which qualifications you already got.

I recommend including a predicted grade and also if your degree is relevant to the job you are applying for then do include key modules and subjects.

Also, you can include your dissertation topic if it is somehow relevant to the position you are applying to.

Another thing you can include is any awards or scholarships or grants that you have received while studying for your degree.

It is also important to add A-level, GCSEs, IB, or IGCSE results because a lot of employers screen for this information.

I recommend putting what kind of subject you have studied and also the grade in brackets.

In the education section, you could also include any relevant skills that you have acquired that could be transferred to a potential job.

For example, you could say that you developed communication skills when presenting a paper to a class, or you could say that you developed strong research skills when you were creating your dissertation.

In any case, I am sure your degree has given you some skills that you can apply to your job even though your degree is not relevant to the position you are applying to. 

Step 5: Add Volunteering Experiences

Ok, education is an important chunk of your CV but so is the next step, step number 5 to creating an amazing CV is having volunteering, a position of responsibility, or a work experience section.

So basically, my fictional character has volunteered at a dog charity, and obviously, if you have been a student at university for three years you should have done something outside your course, and if you haven’t already there is still time! 

So I’m sure you’ll have something to fill in that part, it doesn’t have to be a job, but it could be a part-time job or even babysitting, just something to demonstrate that you can take on responsibilities.

For example in my CV, I said that Anne has been a volunteer at Saves the Dogs Charity and have clearly stated the dates, the charity name, and her position.

Here, under her position, I have listed exactly what she has done at the charity.

I give unique details, and information about her responsibilities, and also notice that I gave an exact amount of money that she has raised for charity.

So in two-three bullet points, you should mention exactly what you have done in your position of responsibility,  it is also a good idea to also add unique results that you have achieved, for example in numbers or percentages.

As you can see you didn’t have to work in an office job, to show that you have taken responsibility, that you are a great leader, and that you can achieve results.

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Step 6: Add Achievement Section

Creating a student CV is having an achievement section. And you are going to tell me, Deepak, I don’t have any work experience, which achievement I can show? 

Well, good news for you, it doesn’t have to be a professional achievement, it is any type of achievement that is going to impress employers! For example in my CV I have mentioned that she has been a Treasurer at the Economics Society, she has been a Deputy Girl and she is also a winner of the Economics Essay Competition.

When you are adding achievement, make sure you add things like location, date, name of competition, or name of a position.

It is going to make it sound way more professional. Another example of achievement could be running a marathon, or having the best mark in class, or being a part of an art exhibition.

Think about it! I am sure throughout your life you have achieved something that is going to be very impressive to another person.

Step 7: Add Additional Skills Section

Creating an amazing student CV is having an additional skills section. That’s where you can show any extra skills you are capable of.

Any skills that are going to be relevant to the job, yes make sure you add them, but also you can include any skills that are showing how unique you are and also that can demonstrate that you can learn and adapt. 

For example, in my CV I have mentioned language skills, and I have also included at which level each language is spoken.

I have also mentioned that she is proficient in the use of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. I have also added video editing skills, it might not be relevant to the job she is applying for, but think about it!

It shows that she is able to learn difficult software, so it shows that she is capable, perhaps it is also a hint that she is interested in video production which makes her unique and interesting.

You could also add things like a driving license if it’s going to be relevant to the job or you could add things like sign language or social media management, basically anything that sounds professional for a CV!

Step 8: Add Interests and Hobbies

To write a student CV without any work experience is having a hobbies & interests section.

In this section, you show that you are interesting, that you have a personality, and that you are unique. Remember, that actual people, not robots are going to read your CV!

Actually, maybe your future colleagues or your boss is reading it, so you need to give them something to remember you by!

But it is not the place to put generic words like cooking, running, watching movies.  That is not going to help, that is actually going to put people off your CV, which is just too generic and does not give any new information.

Everyone likes to watch movies and sometimes go for a run. So you need to give actual achievements or details or how you have developed your hobby, for example, Anne likes to run, but I gave unique details about how she has pursued her hobby, she has actually completed marathons and I gave half-marathon details on the CV. 

This definitely going to spark a conversation and also will show that she has perseverance.  If you need any professional help with your CV writing then check out my website!

But also as I mentioned you can download this CV template completely FREE, just use the link below, all the details are in my video description.  I really hope you enjoyed this video and found these 8 steps useful, thank you for reading, and best of luck with your Professional Sample Resume! BYE!! 


Which resume format is better?

MS Word is the best to upload the profile at any portal.

What is the difference between a CV and a resume?

A resume is a one-page description of your relevant work experience and background for the position you’re applying for. A curriculum vitae (CV) is a lengthy academic journal that lists all of your work experience, certificates, and publications.

Kumar Deepak

I'm a seasoned professional with 6 years of experience as a Technical Recruiter/Talent Acquisition, excelling in connecting top tech talent with the right opportunities. Alongside this, I've been an avid blogger for 7 years, covering diverse topics, and a Content Creator for a decade, crafting engaging content in various forms. My unique blend of recruitment expertise and creative skills allows me to excel in both finding the perfect fit for technical roles and producing captivating content.

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